
An event dedicated to the 5th anniversary of the Revolution of Dignity was held at the Uman Museum of Local Lore.

An event dedicated to the Day of Dignity and Freedom of Ukraine took place on November 21 at the Uman Museum of Local Lore. Attendees honored the patriotism and courage of citizens who in the fall of 2004 and November 2013 ─ February 2014 stood up for democratic values, human rights and freedoms.
The event was held in the exposition of the newly created exhibition "Ukraine – a thorny path to freedom", which is timed to the 5th anniversary of the Revolution of Dignity.
Participants of protests on Kyiv Maidan, participants of Uman Euromaidan, anti-terrorist operation participants, volunteers, representatives of public organizations and students of Agrotechnical College were invited to the event.
Among those present was the Secretary of the Uman City Council Lyudmila Kyryliuk.
The host of the event, the director of the museum Natalia Bilous, stressed that Ukraine is a territory of dignity and freedom. Not one, but two revolutions made us like that – the Maidan of 2004, which was the Holiday of Freedom, and the Revolution of Dignity of 2013. It was an extremely difficult test for Ukraine, when Ukrainians demonstrated their Europeanness, dignity, and desire for freedom.
Lyudmyla Shuiska, a senior researcher at the museum, reminded the audience about the events on Kyiv Maidan 5 years ago. And the participant of these events – Leonid Seredyuk – told the audience about the participation in public resistance actions on Independence Square. The audience heard about the Uman protests from Tatiana Chornomaz, who was the coordinator of the Uman Maidan during the Revolution of Dignity.
A minute of silence was observed in memory of the heroes.
In conclusion, the participants got acquainted with the new exhibition "Ukraine – a thorny path to freedom", which highlights the struggle for independence of Ukraine, tells about the events of the Orange Revolution and the Revolution of Dignity.
Special attention was drawn to campaign leaflets, badges, posters from the Uman "Hyde-fence" and photos of acts of public disobedience in Ukraine and Uman during the two revolutions.
Part of the hall is occupied by an exposition that introduces visitors to the activities of the volunteer organization "Together". These are talismans, socks, tactical gloves, burners, vitamin mixtures, teas, dry soups, borscht made by volunteers. And also patriotic flags from the East of the country.
Central to the exhibition is a photo exhibition by Roman Chornomaz, a participant in the Orange Revolution and the Revolution of Dignity. As a professional photographer, he recorded the course of events in Kyiv. The audience learned that after the Euromaidan, an exhibition of photographs by Roman Chornomaz took place in Kyiv and outside Ukraine – in Canada, Sweden and England.
The sketch of the Euromaidan fresco by Uman artist Vasyl Vlasyuk, a participant of the Euromaidan in Kyiv, also aroused interest.
College students listened enthusiastically to the presentations of the speakers and viewed the museum's exhibits with great interest.

Teacher Korzh Yu.M.

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